Mid-Week Mentor

Friday, May 21, 2010

Stop doing that!

When was the last time you made a “stop doing it list”? We have limited time, so as a manager and a leader, I need to be sure I am focused on doing the critical actions throughout my work day. One of the greatest challenges I face as an executive coach is with executives who will not let go.

Just recently, while coaching an executive who was running a 30 million dollar business that was looking to double in size in the next two years, he said to me “like football, I am the tailback, give me the ball.” I replied “No! You are to be the coach, and as president of your organization if you want to hit your growth targets you need to find other team members to carry the ball.”

The biggest challenge with delegation is giving up doing activities that you are either comfortable doing or are really good at doing them. Regardless, to be an effective leader it is no longer about you, but rather the people you develop.

The reason why we delegate is to better serve our customers. Delegation allows us to develop and train others to keep our current customers, find new customers and to make money. Whistle…. Listen up… pay attention, look in my eyes… if we do not learn to delegate, business growth is not sustainable.

After we identify the need and/or select the right person, here are three keys in planning delegation:

1. Determine your desired outcomes. What is it you want to create or what result do you want to achieve? Write them down; are they specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely, if not, please adjust.
2. For every outcome their must be a correlating current reality. Write it down do not embellish or take away from the reality, just be honest in stating the current situation.
3. Prioritize the action steps that one must take to move from the current reality to the desired outcome. In studying the actions you will know to whom and when the delegation would be appropriately implemented.

OK…Now go make it a great week! Hands in – one, two, three WIN!

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