Mid-Week Mentor

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hey! Do remember our favorite FOUR Letter word in business…”NEXT”

“True luck consists not in holding the best of the cards at the table; Luckiest he who knows just when to rise and go home.” - John Hay

Bob Spinazzola, one of my business mentors, always reminded me of my favorite four letter word by saying “John, quit seeking the living amongst the dead.”

Reminder for this week: Let’s stay focused on the potential customers who want to hear our story and lets let go, for a time, of those customers who appear to be disinterested for whatever reason. Just think about the wasted time and energy you spend on call backs, written proposals and anxious moments when we were never really in the running for the business. Stop doing that and spend more time discerning positive interest which is usually felt within the first 5 minutes in talking with a decision maker.

Finding new business is one of our three most important goals and tasks we need to be focused on each and every day; along with keeping current customers and making money.

Here are four key reminders to finding new customers:

1. Asking for referrals – The phrase to a decision maker “who else might you know…” should be every bit as comfortable as “based on what you have told me, here are several possible solutions…”

2. Networking – Continue to expand the network of people who want to know you.

3. Develop an account strategy – Always work your “Top 10 List” and be specific about what actions that you need to take in order to be successful…then take action!

4. Cold Calling – It is a lost art. Mainly due to lack of confidence. Believe in yourself and take that extra risk each day by walking in somewhere and either make something happen or refine your account approach.

Remember, HOPE is NOT a method! If it is to be it is up to me. Make something happen right now!

1 comment:

Melvin said...

It’s a good idea of sharing few thoughts about the process to the folks. Cold calling can be beneficial for the new customer who has purchased the product. One should have strength in their words and confidence of up selling the product to the patron by presenting in different manner.