Mid-Week Mentor

Friday, January 9, 2009

Turkey Bowl Update - A Lesson in Selection

Since the 3rd grade we’ve known that if you pick the best players you win. My new son-in-law, Jeremiah, was selected by the other team in the Turkey Bowl. (to read more about the Turkey Bowl, click here) Not only did the other team win but Jeremiah, my new son-in-law, was awarded the Outstanding Player trophy. To think that my daughter Alexandra, in her first year of marriage (the wedding was 12/29/08), will be displaying the Outstanding Player of the Turkey Bowl trophy proudly on her mantel. . . WOW what a life! After all, my wife, Colleen, had to wait 10 years for that honor. It was the year that I dazzled the family team by throwing several touch down passes. As a result, I received that prestigious award. Interesting, now that I think back, shortly after I got it home somehow it was misplaced for 11 months. . . .

The facts above are true. The lesson for us as business professionals, who are growing and developing work teams, is that it’s all about selection and finding the right people. I know there are assessments and profiles to take that can help us determine who might be the right fit. I do believe they have a place in our thinking. We must also remember the skills we used in 3rd grade when picking our team, our intuition, our guts. It just makes me smile, thinking back over the last 20 years of sales management experience. Sometimes I wish I had trusted my guts more, like I did in the 3rd grade when picking a kick ball team at recess.

Selection of talent is critical this year as we all work through these challenging economic times. Those who survive and win, without question, made the best talent selections.

What is one of the best tool you’ve found to help select exceptional talent?

We have a wide range of assessments available, contact us for more information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Face to face interactions with a variety of people in the organization. That way we get more perspectives on the potentional new hire.