Mid-Week Mentor

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Be As If You Are

In life and in business there are always first times.

I remember my first wrestling match in 9th grade on the Junior Varsity team. My coach told me I looked nervous. He was right! I was so nervous I wanted to go hide. He gave me a small key to success when he said, “act as if you are a state champ.” Well, I could do that. I wasn’t sure what would happen when the whistle blew but I could look good. It must have worked, I won 7-4.

When I was 28, I had to run my first Dale Carnegie workshop. If the workshop went well up to 6 individuals might enroll in my upcoming public class. I tried to get someone else to run the workshop. I had never conducted one and sure didn’t want to blow it. No one was available. I had to do it.

I arrived an hour early and sat in my car in a panic because this would be my first time. I then remembered Mr. Carnegie’s words, “if you act enthusiastic you will be enthusiastic.” I could do that. Then, I remembered the words of my junior high wrestling coach “act as if you are a state champ.” Well, I got out of my car with enthusiasm and renewed confidence. This company was so lucky because the best Dale Carnegie workshop presented on planet earth was just about to happen in Chambersburg, PA this very morning. Yes, great things were about to happen.

After 20 years, I really don't remember too much about what went on in that workshop. I do remember two clear results.

1. All six potential class members enrolled.

2. I never again asked someone else to run a workshop for me when I was available.

When you train and commit yourself to being the best that you can be at what you do on planet earth you will exceed expectations, yours and others!

Put another way. . . .

Be it!
Act like it
Think like it
Feel like it
Look like it
Speak like it

What are you going to differently to today to “Be it?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finding your self confidence is amazing...Someone once told me that..."If you wait until you feel you are trained enough, read enough, and experienced enough you will never try anything new!"

He was right.