As you can imagine Sam was rather excited and anxious to receive Mr. Hines’ book which he believed would contained the secrets of financial freedom. I forgot about the exchange held in early December and when we returned home I was preoccupied with year end business stuff and of course the holidays. I missed Sam’s expectant look each day when the mail arrived. I am sure after a week even Sam gave up thinking it was a nice thought but really, what are the odds that an elderly gentleman would remember to send his book.
Much to our surprise a week before Christmas a package arrived from Wisconsin. Sure enough it was Mr. Hines’ book. Sam tore the package apart and grinned from ear to ear as he read the title. Then his smile turned to a frown as he opened the book and then back to a grin as he understood the thesis of Mr. Hines’ book. The title was “How to Sell and Make Money without Working” . . . and all 145 pages were blank.
There is no easy street in true selling; it is the discipline of consistently doing the right activities under pressure. I remember writing a commission check to a sales associate for $12,000 for six weeks of work, and then having the person resign, thank me and simply say, “I am not interested in working that hard.” I appreciated the honesty and felt bad that she missed out on all of the seeds that were planted during those six weeks.
Selling in good times is about discipline. Selling in turbulent times is even more about having the right personal discipline to win. So with the right work habits and right personal discipline here are 5 strategies that will work today:
- Make contact daily with your current customers and ask for two things: (1). What else can we do to help you meet your business objectives and (2) ask for referrals
- Go see your most valued customers and top 10 prospects. They most likely did not wake up this morning looking for you. Go see how you can help.
- Dare yourself to break all Sales Records
- Use Mr. Carnegie’s Golden Rule . . .”Try honestly to see things from the other persons point of view.”
- Be a relationship builder . . . build trust and drive out fear . . . we are helping, not selling.
Also remember the words from Peter Drucker, “Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.”
What strategy is working for you? Let us know with your comment here.
If you are interested in learning a time tested sales process or honing your sales skills check out our upcoming Sales Program.
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