I have recently been involved in some high level executive coaching and this is a common frustration at their level and below.
Here is the challenge. . . options are limited. Basically your choice is to engage in one or more of the following activities:
1. Self-directed learning opportunities
2. Experiential learning opportunities
3. On–line learning opportunities
4. Educational learning opportunities
5. Training in competencies
To do any of the above you need to be ignited! None of the above activities will happen just because you have a great PDP (Personal Development Plan).
You can not change directions sitting still, you've got to move!
Dale Carnegie has been in business for 97 years. Moving people, by building confidence and courage, to do what they do not want to do. Remember the old sage Albert E. N. Gray who said "successful people form the habits of doing things that failure do not like to do."
Be ignited, take a Dale Carnegie Course this summer. Has time been your excuse? Then enroll in our new and exciting three day immersion course today. . . I dare you!